IP Library

A Unipod Space

IP Library

The Intellectual Property (IP) Library at UniPod is a treasure trove of knowledge and innovation. It is a dedicated facility where you can access a wide range of intellectual property resources, including patents, research papers, copyright materials, and innovation databases. Whether you are a student, researcher, entrepreneur, or industry professional, the IP Library provides valuable insights, helping you stay updated with the latest advancements, conduct patent searches, and explore the wealth of intellectual capital available. It is a space that empowers innovation by providing access to the intellectual assets that drive progress and creativity.

Facilities in IP Library

High-Performance Computing (HPC) Computer Lab

High-Performance Computing (HPC) Computer Lab

The HPC Lab is where computational magic happens. Equipped with advanced high-performance computers, this facility provides researchers and innovators with the computing power needed for data-intensive tasks, simulations, and complex calculations. Whether you are a data scientist, engineer, or researcher, the HPC Lab is the go-to destination for high-speed, high-capacity computing to push the boundaries of your projects.